Dotkernel API
PHP skeleton app for building REST APIs using Mezzio
Dotkernel API is an alternative for legacy Laminas API Tools (formerly Apigility) applications
Fine-tuned security
Create users with varying levels of access to control what each user type can do with your REST API.
Long-term support
The REST API is backed by the Dotkernel team to stay on top of the latest coding trends.
We follow the coding principles of KISS, YAGNI, DRY for clean, concise and repetition-free code.
Gradual learning curve
We have an ever-expanding documentation to help you with installation and usage. If you can't find a solution for your particular problem, feel free to drop us a line.
Packed with everything you need
Modern Technologies
Supports a Core submodule that can be used in multiple codebases for the same project
Do you need multiple codebases for the same project? You can expand the REST API to use a Core submodule that is also used by your frontend and admin platforms (also available from Dotkernel). This way you ensure there are no incompatibilities between your platforms. Any change is easily pushed to all of them to sync the latest updates.
Modern Technologies
Has an active team of experienced developers working on keeping the codebase up-to-date
We at Dotkernel have been working on our REST API for the past decade to bring you a stable, fast, reliable solution for your needs. We have been using this REST API for our own projects and have ironed out all the kinks for you. Follow our quick tutorial and you are set. Visit our documentation pages for more details.
Modern Technologies
Has support for the latest PHP version 8.3
PHP is a popular programming language with a dedicated community that regularly delivers enhancements and refinements. PHP 8.3 puts emphasis on better performance, clean code and contains bug fixes as well as new features. Dotkernel subscribes to all standards recommendations (PSR) and keeps the REST API up-to-date with the latest version in all included 3rd party libraries.
Modern Technologies
Has been and always will be open source
The Dotkernel team monitors the code regularly to check for bugs and apply improvements. We welcome all feedback regarding our REST API from developers in the global PHP community.
Key Features
It’s a RESTful API, meaning it conforms to the constraints of representational state transfer (REST) architectural style.
It’s secured with OAuth2, a standard designed to allow the REST API to access resources on behalf of a user.
It has integration with Postman, an API platform that simplifies each step of the REST API development lifecycle.
You can generate and run database migrations easily for fast deployment.
You can quickly list all endpoints for a global review of the REST API with php ./bin/cli.php route:list